Episode 4 – The WMO strives to encourage collaboration between the public & private sectors.

Business of Weather
Business of Weather
Episode 4 - The WMO strives to encourage collaboration between the public & private sectors.

Business of Weather talks to Dimitar Ivanov, the Director of Public-Private Engagement at the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO)

If we are to do anything to help manage and mitigate the rapidly growing impacts of extreme weather & climate change, then co-operation is critical.

In particluar, co-operation between the many experts and organisations from the public, private and academic sectors engaged in weather forecasting & developing related technology products and services.

Collectively known as the ‘weather enterprise’ or the ‘global weather enterprise’, these experts and organisations include universities and scientists; national meteorological services; manufacturers of technologies to acquire, process and communicate weather and related data; and the providers of information and forecasting services to all manner of weather affected end users.

To promote public-private-academic sector co-operation, the World Metetorological Organisation or WMO has created the Open Consultative Platform or OCP for short.

To find out more, Business of Weather interviewed Dimitar Ivanov, the WMO’s Director of Public-Private Engagement, who is in charge of this new initiative.