AI Special Episode 1: Using AI for weather forecasting

The WeatherPod
The WeatherPod
AI Special Episode 1: Using AI for weather forecasting

In this episode of The WeatherPod, hosts Alan Thorpe and David Rogers open a new series of discussions which focus specifically on the use of AI across the weather enterprise. In this first discussion, our hosts invite Professor Kirstine Dale of the UK Met Office into the studio.

About Kirstine Dale

Kirstine Dale is the Met Office’s Chief AI Officer (CAIO) and Principal Fellow for Data Science. As CAIO she is charged with embedding AI in the Met Office’s core business – initially focusing on the use of AI in weather forecasting through leadership of the ‘AI for Numerical Weather Prediction’ (AI4NWP) programme.

As Principal Fellow, Kirstine plays a leading role in shaping the future of Data Science (including Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning) in the Met Office.

Kirstine is also Co-Director of the Natural Environment Theme of the Turing Research and Innovation Cluster on Digital Twins (TRIC-DT) and an Honorary Professor at the University of Exeter.