The WeatherPod Episode 2: The world of the broadcast meteorologist

The WeatherPod
The WeatherPod
The WeatherPod Episode 2: The world of the broadcast meteorologist

In this episode, co-presenters Alan Thorpe and David Rogers talk to hugely experienced broadcast meteorologist, Gerald Fleming.

Gerald is the former head of the forecast division of Met Éireann where he was responsible for almost all of the public output of the weather service. One of his tasks was to oversee and organize Met Éireann relationships with Radio Telefís Éireann (RTE – Ireland’s public broadcasting service) and appeared often as an on-air broadcast meteorologist with television and radio. As the public face of Met Éireann he has contributed frequently to the media and has trained many meteorologists in broadcast meteorology nationally and internationally through the World Meteorological Organizations’ Public Weather Service Programme.

About the WeatherPod

The WeatherPod is a unique podcast exploring the value of weather and climate information in addressing the mounting challenges and impacts of extreme weather and climate change. Its central theme is the importance of national and international co-operation involving the public, private and academic sectors which share the common goal of developing timely and accurate weather information and related services to save lives, protect critical infrastructure and enhance economic efficiency. It is hosted by Alan Thrope and David Rogers. Alan is an atmospheric scientist who has worked as a Professor of Meteorology, as head of the UK Met Office’s Hadley Centre and, most recently, as Director General of the European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasts. David is an oceanographer turned meteorologist, a former Chief Executive of the UK Met Office and now a consultant with the World Bank helping countries improve their weather, hydrological and disaster management systems and services.

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Theme music by John Cockram,